When humans get treated like vermin

Today is Pearl Harbor Day. In fact, December 7 falls on the same day of the week this year – Sunday – as the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor did, in 1941. But many folks living today, might understandably wonder at the United States Victory over Japan, that hinged on a pair of equally infamous…

Mormons continue to knock women and gays.

From the Salt Lake Tribune headlines: Leaders say Mormons cannot condone same-sex marriage.   While I realize that Elder Dallin H. Oaks was speaking to the ‘faithful,’ while issuing the official talking points, and marching orders, the tone – especially as heard by those outside ‘the faith’ – was truly dreadful.  Can’t condone?  What kind…

Beliefs hazardous to World Health

  I generally spend a good deal of time and effort suggesting folks would do well to retire many of their absolutist and fundamentalist religious views, for those more psychologically healthy views of human spirituality, and morality.  Based on those innate human values we share with virtually all other human beings on the planet. I…

Seeking ultimate justice

When it comes right down to it, life often presents us with the kind of conundrums that good folks everywhere, can spend a lifetime trying to figure out.  And ultimately – just hope to barely understand.  Because so many mysteries seem beyond our ability to ever completely resolve, it becomes enough to have some understanding…