American Atheists and Mormon culture

  With the advent of the American Atheists 2014 Convention, in Salt Lake City, Thursday, April 17th, to Sunday, April 20th, there have been many heated discussions – most notably in the comment sections, following stories run in the Salt Lake Tribune, focused and following up on the Atheists of Utah, and the American Atheists…

The times – they are a-Changing

In their opposition to same-sex marriage, Attorney General Philip Lott, and his entire cotillion of hysterical Utah cry-babies, have dropped all pretense to legal standing, and are now reduced to howling like spoiled brats.  Howling that this ruling, by Justice Shelby, has led to confusion in the minds of Utah citizens.  And that it has…

Mormons continue to knock women and gays.

From the Salt Lake Tribune headlines: Leaders say Mormons cannot condone same-sex marriage.   While I realize that Elder Dallin H. Oaks was speaking to the ‘faithful,’ while issuing the official talking points, and marching orders, the tone – especially as heard by those outside ‘the faith’ – was truly dreadful.  Can’t condone?  What kind…

Seeking ultimate justice

When it comes right down to it, life often presents us with the kind of conundrums that good folks everywhere, can spend a lifetime trying to figure out.  And ultimately – just hope to barely understand.  Because so many mysteries seem beyond our ability to ever completely resolve, it becomes enough to have some understanding…


Defending Darwinian Evolution

– or – Why you never heard one damn thing about evolution in school     I don’t know if it’s just because it’s a favorite subject of mine (it is), or that I’m just easily seduced into sticking up for it (I know …), but the muse need hardly apply, when tangling with an…

Woment gets tattooed.


  One of the reasons religious folks fight so hard against change, in the world around them, has as much to do with cultural considerations, as any perceived notion concerning God’s will in the matter.  They merely mistake – or chose to invoke – God’s will, by conflating religious considerations with entirely cultural ones, in…

Comte, Huxley, & Clarke

The higher morality of atheism

__ When it comes to competing with religious belief, atheism would appear to have a problem filling out the dance card for hopes and dreams.  Or coming up with answers to the perceived purposeless, and meaningless emptiness, of the philosophy.  At least, according to religious minds.  Those needing a God and an afterlife to add…